about omar

I am a: technologist, strategist, and educator.

Since graduating with a biomedical engineering degree in 2015, I have been drawn to creative, socially-minded applications of technology. In 2016, I moved from a data engineering position to product management in pursuit of a more craft-based, human-centered role. From 2016-2021, I managed and designed all care-focused applications at Arcadia.io as a Senior Product Manager.

Outside of work, I have developed a deep fascination for the interplay between data, technology, and the human experience. After creating some of my own visualization projects, I decided to to push my craft further by enrolling in the Data Visualization program at Parsons School of Design.

I am currently finishing up my degree (set to graduate in May 2022), doing freelance work, and teaching creative coding course at Parsons. Note: this website only contains my independent creative tech work. Professional product management and freelance work are *not* shown here.